
Destination is a publication that I had created as a final project for one of my classes. It stems off of a project called Speculative Space, where we choose a word, and make a mood board revolving around topics related to the chosen word. My word was “speculative”, and I got to explore topics around space travel, the stock market crash, architecture, and the global warming crisis. The publication involves two timelines that you can explore, and it can be purchased here.

Info and reflection

One idea that drove this book was that I wanted to create two timelines within the book, and have each timeline be interactive depending on which way the user flips through the pages. For instance, turning the page to the left takes you down one timeline, and turning the page right takes the user down the other timeline. Both of these timelines have a consequence at the end, whether good or bad. I also made sure that the first thing the user see’s when turning the page is the poster like graphic, representing the state of the timeline that they are exploring. There are 30 pages in this publication, I will be showing my favorites.

One thing I could have changed about this project is the placement of my text, and my typography. My typography has gotten better since this project. This was definitely one of my favorite projects to work on, simply because I really enjoyed speculating on the topics I found through the word speculative.

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